Visitor Profile

The “5th Food Pack Expo 2025” will Focus on :  

  • Plastic Product Manufacturers
  • Association & Trade bodies
  • Dealers & Suppliers
  • Confectionary Manufacturers
  • Dairy Processers
  • Designers
  • Consultants & Engineers
  • Electronics & Electrical
  • Appliances Manufacturers
  • Equipment Buyers
  • Flexible Packaging & Conversion
  • Food & Beverages Manufacturers
  • Commercial Printers
  • Advertising and PR Agencies
  • Packaging Industry
  • Government Officials
  • Institutions & Associations
  • Logistic Management
  • Marketing & Brand Managers
  • Paints
  • Pesticides & Insecticides
  • Plastic
  • Printing & Packaging Professional
  • Production Managers
  • Rice & Sugar Distributors
  • Rubber Processors & Manufacturers
  • Contract Packaging
  • Traders & Indenters
  • Wholesaler & Retailer
Do not miss your chance to visit Food Pack Expo 2025

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